

Echinodermata- means spiny skined

have spiny skin- skeleton ossicles and pines

Radial Symmetry as adults

bipinnaria larva (free swimming) has bilateral symmetry

dueterostome development

Marine animals

Five parts around central axis

water vasular system- (Hydraulic vasular system)

Pedicellaria- clean serface - napper-like skeletal elements that are used by the echinoderm to keep small organisms from settling on its body, and free of debris

Mesodermal exoskeleton

Complete digestive tube
Radial nervous system- modified nerve net- no central nervous system, but have ganglia
Sexual reproduction- sperm and eggs are released in water where fertilization takes place
Deterostomes- related to chordates (both are deuterostomes)

Echinoidea (echinoids, sea urchins and sand dollars): notable for their movable spines; about 1,000 species.


Starfish dissection

sieve plate- off-center of front side- that connects the water vascular system with the external ocean water
skin gills- for respiration
Tube feet- used for gas exchange, for movement, for opening mollusks
Mouth- center of ventral plate
ampulla- The bulb at the top of the tube foot (it's actually inside the starfish, but it's easier to see this way)
anus- to get rid of waste
Gonad- (looked like humus)- located at the base of each arm under the digestive glands
Coelom- where organs are found
Digestive gland- (looks like Dijon mustard)- pairs of chambered glands
Eyespot- at the tip of the arms or rays
Pyloric stomach- under central plate (no intestine) but there is a small rectal caecae
Rectal caecae- for temporary storage of waste
Pyloric ducts- where digestive enzymes from the digestive gland are carried to the pyloric stomach
Cardiac stomach- on the side of the pyloric stomach- multilobed
ambulacral grooves- connect to tube feet
genopores- which sperm and eggs are released from

Pedicellaria- clean serface - napper-like skeletal elements that are used by the echinoderm to keep small organisms from settling on its body


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Phylum Echinodermata bold phylums were mentioned in lab

Subphylum Blastozoa

Subphylum Crinozoa Subphylum Echinozoa Subphylum Asterozoa (Stelleroidea) Subphylum Homalozoa

Class Crinoidea - sea lilies

Class Ophiuroidea - Brittle Stars

Class Asteroidea - starfish

Class Echinoidea (Sea Urchins)

Class Holithuriudea (sea cucumbers)

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